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BaseContext :: output - Process output request

The output function passes the request to the application context, when being set. Otherwise, it calls the SystemIO (system input/output services) in order to process the output request.

In order to provide application specific output functionality, the application context may overload the output() function.

When the context handle does not refer to a valid context instance the function throws an exception.

Return value:   - internal feature (not documented) (   )

Implementation details

BaseContext  :: output ( odaba::String &sString, bool bClear, bool bFlush )

In order to clear the output area before writing the text, true has to be passed in bClear. Otherwise, the text is appended to the text already displayed in the output area. In order to display the text immediately, true has to be passed in bFlush. Otherwise, the text is written to buffer, only.

  • sString - String value
  • bClear - Clear output area before displaying message

    The option must be set to true in order to clear the output area or console before displaying the message.

  • bFlush - Flush data immediately after writing

    In order to write data to output area or console immediately after sending it, the option has to be set to true. When passing false, data is stored to an output area until the next flush request.