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Database :: initializeOptions - Initialize options

// initialize common application options for OShell


// initialize user options or default configuration


Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Read options for passed configuration or default settings
    Database  :: initializeOptions ( odaba::String &sConfiguration, bool bDefault )

    The function reads the options for the configuration passed in sConfiguration. When no such configuration could be found and bDefault is set to false, options remain uninitializedWhen bDefault is set to true, the function tries to locate the default settings, when the requested configuration could not be located, i.e. the first configuration in the list, which has been set the default attribute on.

    In order to get the default settings in any case, an empty configuration name could be passed to the function.

    • sConfiguration - - internal feature (not documented)
    • bDefault - Use/update default configuration
  2. to list
  3. Get configuration for configuration name passed
    Database  :: initializeOptions ( odaba::String &sConfiguration )

    The function reads the options for the configuration passed in sConfiguration. When no such configuration could be found, options remain uninitialized.

    • sConfiguration - - internal feature (not documented)
  4. to list
  5. Init options for current user
    Database  :: initializeOptions (  )

    In order to read option variables, the function uses the value set in the _CONFIG option as configuration name. When the _CONFIG option is not set, the function tries to locate the systems user (login) name. When still no configuration name could be found, "Default" is assumed to be the current configuration name.

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