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Database :: restoreDatabase - Restore database

The function closes the database handle, restores the database from a previously made backup and reopens the database handle again. The function can be called for databases opened locally, only. For restoring databases on the server, Client::restoreDatabase() might be called.

The database must be available exclusively.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. - internal feature (not documented)
    Database  :: restoreDatabase (  )
  2. to list
  3. - Title unknown
    Database  :: restoreDatabase ( odaba::String &sSourcePath )
    • sSourcePath - Source path

      The source path refers to a file location for the source file. The complete path includes file name and directory. It might, however, be defined as absolute path starting with the root device or folder or a relative path.

      In order to pass no file path, an empty string ( String() ) may be passed.

  4. to list