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OSIString :: OSIString - Constructor

The OSI string constructor provides several conversion functions in order to convert different string formats into OSIString values.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. - internal feature (not documented)
    OSIString  :: OSIString ( odaba::String &cString )
    • cString - Constant string object

      When iPosition exceeds the string length or when the string is empty, the the function returns -1 (lower).

  2. to list
  3. Create copy for OSI string
    OSIString  :: OSIString ( odaba::OSIString &cOSIString )

    The function creates a copy for the OSIString passed in cOSIString-

    • cOSIString - OSI string

      The string should contains a valid OSI expression or operation path.

  4. to list
  5. Create empty OSIString
    OSIString  :: OSIString (  )
  6. to list