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Property :: closeAll - Close all property handles for the same cursor object

In contrast to close(), the function destroys the cursor object referenced in the property handle. This will invalidate all property handles (close()), which refer to the same cursor. When the cursor in not a cursor copy, but copies have been creates for the cursor (cursorCopy()), those are destroyed, too, and referring property handles become invalid.

Usually, destroying cursors properly is managed by the system. When, however, creating external files, those will be written (closed), when the cursor will be destroyed. Hence, when writing external files via property handle, one should call closeAll() in order to close the cursor object.

The function may be called for top properties, i.e. properties, which have been opened for an object space, or any kind of application property handle or property handles created by calling cursorCopy(). The function must not be called for child properties, e.g. properties, that have been provided by calling property() in order to get access to references or relationships in an object instance, since cursors for sub properties are owned by the instance and managed by the system.

Implementation details

Property  :: closeAll (  )