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Data model

Data model object types describe the data types defining the ODABA data model (system types). This is the kernel definition of the database system, but one may define specific specializations inheriting system data types.

This document provides a detailed description for the ODABA object model. It describes the object types and properties of the object model.

This document provides a detailed description for the ODABA object model. It describes the object types and properties of the object model.


  1. __OBJECT - Database object
  2. SDB_Attribute - Attribute definition
  3. SDB_BaseStruct - Base structure
  4. SDB_Extend - Object space extents
  5. SDB_ExtendRef - Extent reference
  6. SDB_ExternFile - Definition of external file
  7. SDB_GenRef - Generic reference
  8. SDB_GenType - Definition of template types
  9. SDB_Index - Index definition
  10. SDB_Key - Key definition
  11. SDB_KeyComponent - Key component
  12. SDB_KeyLock - Key lock register
  13. SDB_KeyLockIndex - Key lock index
  14. SDB_KeyLockInstance - Key lock instance
  15. SDB_Member - Structure member
  16. SDB_NameSpace - Name space
  17. SDB_Object - Not used
  18. SDB_ObjectExt - Database object instance (external)
  19. SDB_ObjectID - Database object instance (internal)
  20. SDB_ObjectVE - Database object version list entry
  21. SDB_Property - Structure property
  22. SDB_Reference - Reference collections
  23. SDB_Relationship - Relationship
  24. SDB_Resource - Metadata resource
  25. SDB_ResourceRef - Resource descriptor
  26. SDB_SetIndex - External Index definition
  27. SDB_Source - Source definition for a property
  28. SDB_Structure - Complex data type
  29. SDB_TAObject - Replication transaction
  30. SDB_Type - Data types
  31. SDB_Statistic - Statistic object type
  32. SDB_TypeDef - Type definition
  33. SDB_TypeRef - Type reference
  34. SDB_Value - Value in a value list
  35. SDB_ValueList - Value list
  36. SDB_View - View definition
  37. SDB_Workspace - Workspace definition