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Action controls

Action controls provide visual or hidden elements for starting default or user-defined actions. Typically, action controls are visualized via menus, buttons or tool bars.

Action controls may form hierarchies, i.e. each action control may get a number of subordinated action controls. Action controls are defined as action control hierarchy (ADK_EventActionControl) regardless on their specific visualization. Later, action controls may be associated with visual elements as tool bars, buttons or menus.

In order to define a hierarchical menu or tool bar, one defines an action control (hierarchy) and associates this to a control (e.g. as tool bar, main menu or context menu).

Action controls are displayed with their decoration (icon) and defined text. Additional tool tips and usage hints may be defined for action controls in order to improve the usage of action buttons. Textual definitions may be provided on the Text Definitions tab when editing an action (ADK_EventAction)or action control.